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This week's professional services marketing discourse covers value-based pricing, adapting to change, and lead generation. Insights include moving beyond hourly billing, handling difficult clients, and leveraging individual strengths for marketing success.
The Argonautic is brought to you by OpportunityLabs, an audience-based marketing agency that builds brands with low-cost, high-value content marketing and outbound distribution. We help our clients become a household name to 6,000 buyers inside of 6 months.
Value-Based Pricing
Influencers: Value-based pricing is superior. It improves efficiency and focuses on client value. Hourly billing is self-centered and ignores client needs.
Practitioners: Value-based pricing works. It significantly increases revenue. The mindset shift is key. Hourly billing is ultimately less profitable.
Lead Generation Strategies
Influencers: Effective lead generation uses individual strengths. Prioritize achievable activities. Speaking, writing, or networking are key. Avoid overcommitment.
Practitioners: Networking is valuable. It generates unexpected opportunities. Niching down improves lead generation.
Adapting to Change and Handling Difficult Clients
Influencers: Respond proactively to change. Internal issues matter most. Team trust is crucial.
Practitioners: Manage difficult clients. Prevent employee burnout. Open communication is essential.